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Standardized Testing


In continuing to ensure all Arizona children have the opportunity to succeed, the Arizona State Board of Education assessment, Arizona’s Academic Standards Assessment (AASA), is administered each spring to Arizona students in grades 3 through 8. High school students are required to take ACT Aspire (9th grade) and the ACT and AzSCI tests (11th grade).

All students in the grade levels referenced below are required by law to have the opportunity to take the assessments during the designated testing dates. Students who are absent will be given the opportunity to take the test during the make-up window. 

Grades 3-8

Students in grades 3 through 8 take AASA in English Language Arts and Mathematics. AASA is a computer- or paper-based test that measures critical thinking skills for college and career readiness. The test reflects what students are learning in the classroom and provides parents with meaningful information to know if their children are on track to succeed. Assessments can tell both teachers and parents if a student is mastering a subject, or if they need to spend additional time learning that topic. A passing score on AASA is not required for graduation. The English Language Arts test includes writing and reading portions. Beginning with the 2022 spring test, students in grade 3 will take an Oral Reading Fluency test, measuring of speed, accuracy and prosody. 

Grades 9 and 11

Students in 9th grade take ACT Aspire, where they are tested for proficiency in English Language Arts, Science and Mathematics.

Students in 11th grade take the ACT to test for college readiness in English, Math, Reading and Science. English tests include writing and reading portions. Students also take the AzSCI test. Students are tested on Science Content aligned to the 2018 Science Standards.  All high school tests are administered online.  

Test Schedule

Please visit your school website, website calendar, watch school communications, or contact your school for detailed information on the annual spring test schedule for AzSCI, AASA Writing, AASA Reading & Math, and Civics/SAFT Writing. 

Personal student data has never been, and never will be, shared with the federal government. Student test data is protected via a number of state and federal laws. including: A.R.S. §§ 15-1041 through 15-1045, Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).

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